Set financial goals the right way - it's your opportunity to achieve your wildest dreams, blow your expectations out of the water and make real progress towards your financial success!

So, are your financial goals in line with the things you truly want to accomplish in your life?

The things you want to achieve matter because they improve your life and the lives of others, and being your best self makes a huge impact.

We bet you've got some big dreams! Maybe you want to make extra money, bulk up your retirement savings, or hit some huge milestones like buying your first house or finally funding that emergency fund

But do you often find that your money goals are difficult to reach? Have trouble hitting those financial deadlines or can't seem to make it to your long-term goals?

You aren't alone - nearly half of Americans make New Year's resolutions, and only about 9% keep up with them.

By taking a look at what you truly value, you'll be able to make massive progress towards your smart financial goals and win at life and money!

Whether you want to smash student loan debt, improve your spending habits, take a dream vacation, or increase that paycheck, we've got you covered.

Make sure you’re creating the right goals for YOU, and start living life on your own terms! You'll find out what's holding you back and be on your way to being debt-free, buying that new car, or finally achieving financial freedom.

And it's not just about setting goals. It's also about taking strategic and specific actions in order to achieve them. Using our financial goal worksheet you can line up your dreams with the actions necessary to get there.

This course is here to help you get clear on the types of financial goals and objectives you want to go for.

Then it will help you adjust your mindset so you can start getting the things you REALLY want out of life.

What you’ll learn:

What will this amazing (and did we mention free?!) course teach you? Find out the course structure that will help you with your specific goals.

How to determine your core values

Discover what truly drives you to succeed, and base your finances around that.

Whether it's throwing money in your investment account or no longer being time-bound to a 9-5, you'll determine what motivations are strongest in your life.

And this will give you the necessary direction to get to the next steps.

Just because it might be someone else's dream to purchase a boat or travel the world doesn't mean it has to be yours.

You can set smart financial goals that work for you - whether that's getting the perfect credit score, paying for your child's college education, or finally getting rid of that mortgage

See examples of financial goals and find out what you care about the most.

How to create the right financial goals

Using the values that you have, you can find ways to set financial goals.

Organization and intentionality are key, and we'll show you how to do this so you can get to where you want to be. 

You'll also learn about what might hold you back as you work towards these things and how to overcome it.

In addition, get clear on the types of financial goals. Know the differences between a short-term goal, mid-term goal, and long-term goal. 

How to break the cycle of not achieving your goals

Setting financial goals only to not achieve them during your time frame can be frustrating.

But when you use all the resources we have to offer, including our financial goal worksheet, you're sure to see success

Find bonus content that covers how to break the cycle of not achieving your goals and break past your barriers for good!

What's included with your course:

Exactly how is this content delivered to you? How will it help you?

The course is divided into categories that make it easy to see what you've accomplished and what you're still working on. 

There's also plenty of bonus content, including information about medium-term goals and a calculator that gives you a snapshot of the numbers you'll need to hit for your dreams to become reality.

There are also multiple ways to learn. Here's what's included:

Bite-sized explainer videos on setting financial goals

Watch videos that tell you exactly how to set financial goals. The videos are short and informative, helping you to learn quickly and efficiently using any timeline. 

Applicable infographics & financial goal worksheets

Gain perspective about the lessons with our helpful infographics. Then get clarity for your financial planning using the setting financial goals worksheet and core values worksheet provided.

Access to the Clever Girl Finance community, book club, and approved resources

Since having a support group matters so much, know that you've got plenty of people in the Clever Girl Finance community that will walk with you on the journey!

Your personal finances will totally improve with encouragement from the group as you set financial goals.

Use this course to set financial goals and achieve more than you ever thought you could!

When you finish the worksheets, videos, and lessons in this free set financial goals course, you'll have new knowledge to help you.

You'll finally be able to see your goals on the horizon and have the know-how to get you there. 

Whether you dream of a life without credit card debt, money in your savings account, or a designer handbag, you'll be able to achieve more financial security with the information you receive here. 

So the only question is...when will you sign up? Enroll and learn today!

Stay accountable!

Get your best girls to do this free budgeting course with you! Just send them this link to sign up for free too!